Jon and Maricel; Blessed with Love
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the FATHER except through me! I am the Way that leads to the Father. The Truth that teaches the knowledge of God, and directs in the way. The Life that animates all those who seek and serve him, and which is to be enjoyed eternally at the end of the way. – JOHN 14:6

Jon visited Maricel in the Philippines and all he can kept telling himself, "The world's most beautiful women belong to me."
Thank you Christian Filipina Site for being a part of our love story. We both had prayed to God to help lead us from our loneliness and to help us find the soulmate you had been preparing for us. We both believed that when you call God He is there listening, and His miracles work to those people who believe in HIM! And it happened. Jon found Christian Filipina, and Maricel found Christian Filipina, and now we have found each other.
We do both believe the site is blessed by God and we do pray that your administration continues to share the Word of God and at the same time the bridge to spread Love all over the world in a righteous way. And we, Jon and Mars will continue to be a good example from many, as who was lost before and now have found!
JON and MARS will share and continue to spread the Word of God in many ways, from this moment on, now and forever. They are engaged to be married in July 2013.