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47 Years Old, Male

USER ID: 4017835

Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

About Kevin

USER ID: 4017835

Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I'm an honest , heard working guy from Canada. I am looking for a partner in life . Some one to share with , grow old with and love dearly .
I like to be active and go out for walks , bike rides as well as try new things , foods and activities . I am honest and kind , I love to laugh and play , yet am very intelligent and know how to communicate well and openly . I appreciate you taking the time to read my bio and I hope that we can talk soon.

Additional Information

Prefers to Meet Age:
25 to 35 (Strict age limits: no)
Marital Status:
Body Type:
Have children:
Want children:
Preferred Bible Version:
Willing to Relocate:
Member Since: July 26, 2024
Last logged in: Jul 26, 2024

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