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36 Years Old, Female

USER ID: 3770663

Location: Canada

About Jal

USER ID: 3770663

Location: Canada

I was raised in the Philippines and I came to know the Lord Jesus in my twenties. I then moved to Dubai, where I worked for nearly a decade while actively serving in the singles ministry. After almost 10 years, God led me to Canada to pursue my studies and granted me the privilege to serve Him again by making disciples and continually engaging in ministry work. God has placed a desire in my heart to have a family of my own who will serve and worship Him together, which is why I am here.

Philippians 1:6 says, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus”. This verse sums up my Christian journey, highlighting that from the very beginning, and throughout every stage of my life, God is continuously at work within me. He is the Master Craftsman who never gives up on us.

Additional Information

Prefers to Meet Age:
33 to 45 (Strict age limits: no)
Marital Status:
Bachelors degree
Filipina / Filipino
Body Type:
5' 6" (167 cm)
Have children:
Want children:
Preferred Bible Version:
New American Standard
Willing to Relocate:
Member Since: May 28, 2024
Last logged in: Sep 07, 2024

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