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45 Years Old, Male

USER ID: 3692050

Location: FRIENDSWOOD, TX, United States

About Ray

USER ID: 3692050

Location: FRIENDSWOOD, TX, United States

I'm serious! I work hard. I've been working since age of 16 to be wealthy and debt free. I have accomplished those things in life and now I'm ready for the next stage of life. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my life with a woman. We will do anything we want. We will live anywhere in the world that we want to. And we can also start a family together if she wants more children. If she doesn't want more children we can enjoy the family we have together and travel. I don't have any problem with raising children as my own.

I'm planning to visit the Philippines for my first time next year. And I would like to have a tour of the islands and start planning my retirement down there. If you have any helpful information on how I could become a resident and maybe open a business I would appreciate the advice.

I'm currently working in the United States and I'm in the middle of a home remodel.

Additional Information

Prefers to Meet Age:
18 to 30 (Strict age limits: no)
Marital Status:
High School Graduate or Some College
Caucasian (white)
Body Type:
155 lbs (70.3 Kg)
5' 8" (173 cm)
Have children:
Want children:
Preferred Bible Version:
Willing to Relocate:
Member Since: April 29, 2024
Last logged in: Oct 17, 2024

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