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66 Years Old, Male

USER ID: 3317901

Location: Medina, New York, United States

About Stephen

USER ID: 3317901

Location: Medina, New York, United States

Why the beard and long hair? At the time of starting to write this 12.25.23 12:10 AM, it is 4 C outside, it will get much colder in the days to come, before warming up in the spring. Today is only the 3rd day of winter. There are 85 more days till winter ends.

My hair has not been cut since 1/3/2012, every now and then the beard is shaved off. The hair is worn in a pony tail most of the time. I normally do not take selfies.

Last out of the USA in 1982, spent 6 months on Okinawa, Canada is 96 km from here and it has been over 50 years since, being there.

So far there are no foods I do not eat, I could eat fast food and pizza, but choose not to do so.

“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."
- T.S. Eliot

The quote could be about a place, a second meaning is in relationships, we learn as we go, that which is a hinderance is left go. The good is kept, then there is that which is unknown, if it is good or bad. How these are put to the test, is as important as the outcome.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Synergy is an interaction or cooperation giving rise to a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts.

A person may win an argument, but no relationship does; if there's a winner and a loser in an argument, the relationship loses, this in turn destroys synergy.

Genesis 2:18, A helper fit for me, this verse also means the man would be fit for her. Psalms 19:14, Words have power they can lift up or teardown, I would rather build up than tear down a person. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, 13 Galatians 5:22, 23, Titus 2:2

Additional Information

Prefers to Meet Age:
25 to 60 (Strict age limits: no)
Marital Status:
High School Graduate or Some College
Caucasian (white)
Body Type:
A few extra pounds
Over 222 lbs (101 Kg)
6' 4" (193 cm)
Have children:
Want children:
Not sure
Preferred Bible Version:
King James
Christian / Baptist
Willing to Relocate:
Member Since: December 23, 2023
Last logged in: Sep 03, 2024

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