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46 Years Old, Male

USER ID: 2563262

Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico

About Paul

USER ID: 2563262

Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico

I think it is best to build a good friendship, and see where things go. I think it takes time to truly understand another, and to find that one person you feel most spiritual alignment with. I do hope we will learn through our correspondence, and feel happy to have met one another, regardless of outcomes.

What I am most looking for in a relationship, is a sense of teamwork, shared commitment to one another, and a desire to affirm the positivity within one another as we walk through life together. Though I don’t have any specific religious denomination, I hope that a love towards God can be at the center of our relationship, and from that all things may follow.

Additional Information

Prefers to Meet Age:
25 to 45 (Strict age limits: no)
Marital Status:
Body Type:
5' 5" (165 cm)
Have children:
Want children:
Preferred Bible Version:
Willing to Relocate:
Member Since: January 10, 2023
Last logged in: Aug 10, 2024

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